It's been a long year and a half or so, and I thought that I would use today's post to give some information on traveling right now. It's different than it was before, and it's changing all the time. Post pandemic travel is something that is hit and miss and almost impossible to anticipate. We've all heard the stories of unruly travelers on planes. Well, that is only the beginning.

During the lockdown, I traveled a bit. I went to secluded places just to get away and clear my mind. That was about all you could do safely. It was a scary time, and we're all glad that things are getting better. Unfortunately, it's not over yet. There are still hot spots, restrictions, advisories, regulations, and fears. It makes it hard to travel a lot of the time. Also, the travel industry is just trying to muddle through as well. They need to have a business when all is said and done, or we will all be swimming to Europe.

So, let's talk. Where can we as Americans go outside of our country to vacation? There are lots of countries. Europe opened up recently as well. Canada remains closed, but hopefully will open by the fall. Check the State Department for the listings. You can normally check travel sites as well.
Now, there are some developments in travel. We all know that India has been a hot spot in recent times. We all know that there are questions about the effectiveness of some of the vaccines that other countries are using. Realistically, we aren't sure how long our own vaccines will last without a booster shot. Just remember, we can't know until something happens. The first people to receive the vaccines here haven't been immunized for a year yet. We have some waiting to do. In the meantime, be realistic, don't worry too much, and have some fun.
As I said, Canada remains closed. This is a real bummer for Americans. We go there a lot. We're used to it. A visit to Niagara Falls is pointless if you can't cross the border. I go to Canada almost every year, myself.
I have discovered some news. For one thing, the Maldives has become a hot spot. Historically throughout the pandemic, they were a haven. Then, they started to have vaccine tourism. This was where you spent a month in the Maldives and had your vaccines while you were vacationing. Apparently, that didn't work out, and now they are a risky area. Another thing that I heard recently was that Australia has severely limited entries into the country. They have a rising problem with the Delta variant, and felt the need to all but close their border...again.
Check a country's status before you plan to go. Don't plan too far in advance, or you may be disappointed.

Now, let's talk about issues other than Covid-19.
Russia is having issues in the southern region of what used to be Ukraine and was taken over some years ago, Crimea. The region is severely flooding, and is a treacherous spot right now. Extreme heat is a factor in many areas, including the Pacific Northwest. The State Department advises against visiting Russia and several other countries off and on, because of political issues. Parts of the Southwest in the US are on fire. Always check before you plan.

Make sure you plan before you head out at all this year. People were going crazy being locked down. They've gotten their vaccines, they have their shot cards, and they are ready to go. For those of us who worked extra instead of being laid off during the pandemic, we have money and are ready to take off.
People are traveling in record numbers. Hotels are booked. Flights are booked. There are no rental cars available, due to a reduction in the fleets last year, and an unprecedented increase in demand between then and now. Also, road trips are wildly popular right now, because of several factors, such as fear of still getting sick on a plane, the stories of unruly patrons in flight, and all the things that people always feared that kept them off of planes.

What about flying? How does it work now? What's changed? My advice is to check both the FAA and the TSA websites. It's also necessary to check your airline's website and maybe even the websites for the airports you will be using.
You will most likely be required to wear a mask in airports and on planes. That's something that everyone should expect. If you are not prepared to do that, don't fly.
Bring snacks and drinks. For whatever reason, there is a labor shortage. I've heard many theories about why. This is effecting services in the airports. You may not be able to go to a store and buy a snack or a drink to take on the plane. The store may be closed. It should clear up in the near future, but be prepared. The airlines still aren't serving food for the most part, and that could leave you really hungry. Bring snacks.
When you visit another country, take your shot cards. You always had to if you were going to a country that required Malaria treatment or Cholera shots. Just do it. It's been done with other shots for years. It's no different.

Now, what about those bundles? We all love them, because they save us money. Well, be aware. Always read the fine print. If you book a vacation through a third party site, they can only handle so many of your problems that might arise. Recently, flights have been cancelled for lack of staff alone. Much less all of the other reasons that flights are cancelled.
When this happens, you are entitled to a voucher or a refund or whatever. However, these things can sometimes be dragged out and complicated if you use a third party booking service. Be aware. They will sort it out, but if you are dealing directly with your airlines and hotels, it can be a lot quicker and easier to resolve.
There are other ways to ensure that if things go south quick, you can get your money back. Look for options like Hotels.com has. You can choose the option for free cancellation. It may look like it costs more, but it doesn't. It may be that you are simply foregoing the special deal price to ensure your ability to get your money back just in case.

What about returning home after being abroad? I know people who were stuck in other countries for months during the lockdown. What happens now? We're allowed to leave again, which is a good thing for the psyche. Well, be prepared. When you go to another country, you may still be required to take a Covid-19 test. Even if you have your vaccines. Also be prepared. When you return to the US you will also have to take a test. Even if you have your vaccines. Know before you go. Don't be surprised, because it makes for uncomfortable situations.

You say you like to take a guided tour or a cruise? Sounds good, but be prepared. First off, have your vaccines. Nothing is as bad as Cholera shots, so quit complaining.
Most cruises are booking now. Many of them will require patrons without vaccines to wear a mask at all times outside their staterooms. Patrons with all of their vaccines and cards available will have less restrictions. That's the deal, so act accordingly. If you haven't had your shots and you don't want to wear a mask, I can't help you. The cruise lines are all private businesses. These are the rules and if you can't follow them, you can't go. Be aware.
Guided tours may also work along those same lines. While on a bus, you may be required to wear a mask whether or not you are vaccinated. People with no vaccines may have to wear a mask at all times unless they are in their hotel rooms.
My best advice is to get a vaccine if you want to travel. I got a bunch of them to travel over the years, and the Covid-19 shots were much milder than any of the others.

Shopping, trains, ferries, and such.
Many commuter trains used the slow down during the pandemic for infrastructure upgrades and repairs. Some of them are still happening. Do not think that suddenly you will be able to jump Metro North into the city without changes. Check before you plan to go, just in case your train station is closed or has far fewer trains during the day. Use the same precautions for the ferries. Be aware that most trains and ferries will require you to wear a mask when in common indoor areas.
Shopping. A lot of us like to take a day and go somewhere with cute little shops and restaurants to relax. We weren't able to do that last summer. I always carry a mask. As you make your way around your favorite hidey hole, you will discover that some individual businesses are still mandating masks. That is their prerogative. Be respectful and wear a mask when asked. You don't know that person's story. For all you know, they may have nearly died of the disease and are now living in fear and trying to cope with that. Be kind.
Restaurants are the same way. Always carry a mask, just in case.

And finally, understand that the whole world lived through a pandemic. If you have a beloved city that you adore spending time in, it may not be the way you left it. Cities were extremely hard hit by the disease. They need time to bounce back. It's great if we all head there and bring that influx of monies to help, but we will have to understand that it is a process. Time will make everything okay. Broadway will be back. We, the traveler have to understand that and help it along.
Another thing that has happened during the pandemic is the crowding of those out of the way places that we all used to enjoy, because there were no crowds. Many people who spent their time on cruises or in the city, had to find something else to do during the lockdown. Many people discovered the joys of kayaking, camping, bicycling and so on. I find that there are far more people in my unpeoply places nowadays. Remember, they also have a right to the space. We all have to adjust.
My advice is this. Check everything before you book a vacation. Read the fine print. Be aware that you may not be finding a favorite place the same as you left it. Be ready to follow the rules as you are asked. Be prepared when you are out to have to don a mask. Be kind. Be polite. Be flexible. Be aware. Everyone went through the pandemic. Everyone is coping with something. We are in a transitional period of travel. We will get there. You can still do a lot of traveling, a lot of visiting, a lot of vacationing. You can help an industry bounce back and you can still have amazing adventures and enjoy!